Thinking Problem
When you start thinking this is your end point. Do not think. Just do it. Humans have two parts MIND & BODY just like SOFTWARE & HARDWARE. Mind thinks and give instructions to the body and body execute it. Of course the body is nothing without mind but our main motto is execution of work and work is executed by the body. Let us have a look on breathing. Do we think that we have to breathe and then we breathe? No, we do not think about this we just breathe. What about the movement of hands during
walking? Do we think that we have to move our hands back and forward on each next step? No we do not. it does not mean that we should not think, if it were happen then donkey could be the most successful. Then what should we do? The answer is hidden in the above two examples. If we are going to meet our girlfriend at the first time then before saying anything we think a lot that is why we speak very little. What is the main reason that our body executes the breathing action so smoothly? The answer is – because we made our body abhyasth. When we start thinking it takes time and as time passes we feel hesitation and after all the works remains unexecuted. The solution of this problem is to make your body so abhyasth so that the time of execution is reduced and once time of execution is reduced we feel very confident and this leads to happiness & success.    

2       Fear
Fear is a mind killer. When you start fearing of something it leads the thinking problem. Now you cannot execute because you are thinking. And now because of thinking you have imagined some situations that might not happen.
3.       Hesitation
4.       Lack of guidance
5.       diversion

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