Engineering Projects:- A Simple Laser Security System

         Laser Security

Security is a major concern in this technological era. Security alarm is a very useful instrument, alarms can deter crime. Alarms have become standard equipment in stores and other businesses; they are becoming increasingly common in private homes as well.
Circuit alarms are very effective for guarding the house.

Here is a simple project named    Laser Security illustrated below.
The Project involves a laser Source (Semiconductor Diode), Light dependent Resistor (LDR), a 10K Resistor, BC 547 Transistor and a Sound Source Buzzer.
When the Laser Fall on the LDR the current directly flows to the ground and no voltage is introduced at the base hence circuit get disconnected and no sound appears from the buzzer in all other cases the Buzzer is ON.

Laser security is a cheap yet indispensable to tool to protect your precious things you can integrate this system at the Door, Windows, Drawers and everywhere that needs protection.

Circuit Diagram

                                                        Laser Security

Working of Laser Security System
Circuit diagram for the laser security is shown above, it comprise of LDR, A npn Transistor BC547, a 10K resistor and Buzzer.
When transistor is biased with a 9V battery the Current enters to the base of Transistor, that connects the Emitter and Collector and the circuit get shorted in turn Switch on the Sound Buzzer.

What happens when laser light fall on the LDR
When no light is falling on the LDR the Resistance of LDR is quiet high, more than 10 K for that reason current flow to the base of the transistor, in case when light is falling on the LDR the resistance of the LDR drastically decreases and the Current get ground hence no current reaches to the Base of the transistor and Transistor behave as a open Switch

Components Used

  • Buzzer
  • Transistor BC547 (npn)
  • Resistor- 10 K
  • Light dependent Resistor (LDR)
  • Battery- 9v
  • Semiconductor Laser 

Used for Security system in Home offices and Store, 
You can download Proteus for trying this circuit at your computer

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